Light Steel Frame 1.2 Truss The only Light Steel Frame in Indonesia that uses an S Profile Frame, Web Capsule, and Nut + Bolt Connector. Nut + Bolt System adopted from Heavy Steel Frame. With the Nut + Bolt system, the frame bond is stronger than with ordinary screws. 1.2…


TAPERROOFInnovative Metal Roof Tiles with Sharp Diamond Profile. Tper Roof can also be installed on all types of roofs such as convex, concave or wave, so it is very suitable for those of you who want the appearance of your house to be more beautiful and stylish. By using a…


DescriptionFlexi dek is a type of roof covering made from zinc-coated metal. Installation can be used using a screw system or roll on site. Flexi dek has 2 types, namely Steel Flexi dek 1000 Genius and Flexi dek Curve.Flexidek can be used as: a) As a roof covering b) As…


Super flat metal roof tiles always fit whatever style of roof your house has. Its very flat profile makes the mahaflat look exclusive and very easy to install. Can be installed on flat, convex, concave or wave roof types.MAHAFLAT specifications:1. Metal Shingle shape2. Minimalist profile3. Length 914mm; Width 320mm4. Exposure…


Maharoof type Maha is a metal roof tile with a sturdy and beautiful appearance. There are many choices of colors and stones to make Maharoof look more exclusive. With this layer of rock, it can reduce heat and the sound of rain better than ordinary metal roof tiles. Its light…

Maha Spanroof

DescriptionLongspan InnovationThe effective width is 1 meter and the standard length is 4 meters, flexible for the length of the building roof.Leak Resistant.Longspan roof model and interlocking between overlapping roofs and minimizing leaks Stone.Coating Reduces Reduces heat and dampens sound better (tested at LIPI) and varies in colorNatural stone with…